Sophie Stack

President, Leader of the Party

Sophie joined the No5G Party as Treasurer in 2021. She holds a Cert III in Accounting and established the party’s accounting spreadsheet system.

Sophie has been involved in promoting a number of local community educational events on 5G and related topics. In November 2021 Sophie led a petition to the Northern Beaches Councillors (Sydney, NSW), for Council to hold a 5G Community Health and Safety Forum. When voted on, the Coucillors supported the forum unanimously. Sophie wants to protect the einvrionment and In 2019 she organised and hosted a local screening of ocean-environmental film Rubber Jellyfish.

Sophie has held several long term administrative and customer service positions in the music and legal fields. She is interested in health, wellbeing & natural therapies and permaculture and aspires to live more self-reliantly.

Sophie is concerned about the lack of awareness around the health impacts of cell towers located near schools and residences.
Cert III in Accounting (TAFE)

Bachelor of Arts degree (Macquarie University)

    Daniel Taylor

    Vice President

    Daniel Taylor is a Western Australian raised in a working class family. He knows the value of good ethics and commitment. Daniel places a high importance in life to helping others, especially the most vulnerable in society.

    Daniel has long recognized the lack of true and proper representation of the people’s will by those elected to do so. He recognises the need to support candidates who would truly seek out the will of their electors and fight in parliament accordingly.

    Daniel founded the NO WIFI IN SCHOOLS campaign in early 2019. To raise awareness and strive for the protection of our community’s children and the wider community from the harms posed by wireless radiation. Daniel soon after joined a network of Australians seeking solutions.

      Raymond Broomhall, LLB GDLP

      Committee Member

      Raymond Broomhall is a Barrister at Law and specialises in extremely complex matters and has repute for his lateral thinking and for finding solutions outside of the square. He revels in working on matters that have been placed in the ‘too hard basket’ by other legal practitioners. He is in high demand throughout the world for his work on electromagnetic radiation issues and is considered to be one of the leading advocates in this field. He has an extensive law library and a large collection of early colonial law which assists him greatly in widening his knowledge of the Common Law. 

      Raymond holds chambers at Michael Kirby Chambers, he is a member of the Australian Bar Association, Tasmanian Independent Bar, Law Society of Tasmania, International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, International Lawyers Action Network and the J. Reuben Clark Law Society.

      Raymond has appeared in the High Court including all Commonwealth Courts inclusive of the Full Federal Court and the Family Court. He has appeared in all Tasmanian Courts and various South Australian, New South Wales and Queensland Courts and has provided advice in all jurisdictions. 

        Mike Grant


        Mike is the web developer for the No5G Party. He has worked for 20 years in the news media industry in Sydney, with experience in distribution logistics. He has also worked in various factory and warehouse logistics jobs over the years.

        Having misspent much of his youth and disposable income in video arcades, Mike’s interest in computer games has expanded to include graphics, animation, music and web design.

        Mike has experience in analogue audio and video technology and is expanding his skills to include digital audio and video. He is also interested in space exploration, science fiction, and classic rock music.

        Mike believes that all life is sacred and needs to be protected, especially from dangerous technologies like wireless 5G that are being forced upon us and the environment without any regard for safety.

          Nick Manevski

          Public Officer

          Nick is an electrical technician with 32 years’ experience. He holds an Advanced Certificate in Electrical Engineering and a Diploma in Applied Science (Building).

          With this experience, Nick appreciates the importance of work, health, and safety requirements working in heavy industry. 

          Nick joined the No5G Party Committee because as a Father and husband he is passionate about health and wellbeing. He has concerns about the deployment of wireless technologies closer to homes and schools, and the related health issues and how this may impact his family and the wider community. 

          Nick volunteers his time in the community and holds the position of Secretary at his local Church. Born and raised in the Illawarra region, Nick is a novice gardener, and enjoys swimming and listening to reggae music.

            Jacqui Hogan

            Committee Member

            Jacqui is a former lawyer turned film producer and photographer. She moved to Copenhagen in 2007 to study law and immediately fell in love with the beautiful design, fashion, architecture and people of Denmark. What was meant to be only a semester studying abroad during her law degree turned into a decade of living and working in Scandinavia.

            Jacqui joined the committee for the No5G party after moving back to Sydney and spending several years researching the effects of electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) on biology. She believes people should be able to live in the world without being constantly radiated by public infrastructure over which they have no control. With the advent of 5G bringing radiation closer and closer to homes where families sleep, it is more important than ever to educate as many people as possible on the risks of both wireless technology and EMFs created by the power grid.

              Appollo Yianni

              Committee Member

              Appollo is a Retired Electronic Engineer by trade, engaged mostly in Electronic Hardware Design at the component level. He is a seasoned traveller and has visited 73 countries in his 72 years (so far).

              Appollo was disconnected from the grid by his power company for refusing to accept the installation of a SMART meter on his property. He was concerned about the damaging health effects to his children from the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by these meters.

              Appollo adapted by building his own fully off-grid system and now generates his own power, and advises anyone who is interested in going off-grid for electricity. He is an activist fighting against all types of dangerous electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and especially leukaemia in children.

                Tim Sawyer

                Committee Member

                Tim’s professional qualification is in the field of Nuclear Medicine which involves the study of radiation safety and protection. Combined with over 25 years’ experience in education and the health sector, he has a sound understanding of the effects of radiation on health.

                Since 2014 as a Geovital Geobiologist Tim has assessed numerous homes and businesses throughout Adelaide and South Australia. He also provides EMF mitigation advice on house plans and can assess the land before a house is built. He is available for public speaking on EMF mitigation to improve health and wellbeing.

                  Dave Bourke

                  Committee Member

                  Dave has been a technician across various fields for the past 20 years including Audio, Electronics and more recently Telecommunications, Cabling and EMF Testing. Dave is committed to assisting clients who are interested in remediating their exposure to electromagnetic fields.

                  Dave joined the No5G Party Committee after seeing how many people with environmental illnesses, such as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, are not easily able to have their illness recognised or receive assistance in Australia. Dave offers his technical understanding from two decades of working as a technician and more recently continuing his formal education, to assist the No5G Party with the technical matters behind radio, electronics and telecommunications.

                  Diploma Telecommunications Engineering (Lidcombe TAFE), Registered Telecommunications Cabler (TITAB), Electromagnetic Field Testing Technician (ACES). Advanced Diploma of Building Biology 2023.


                  Mailing Address:
                  NO5G Inc.
                  P.O. Box 5443
                  Wollongong NSW 2520

                  Copyright © 2021 No5G Party, under the auspice of NO5G Inc. Reg No. INC2000475  ABN 49 517 079 815

                  Authorised by R. Broomhall, Richmond, Tasmania    Privacy PolicyDisclaimer