About No5G Party
Our mission is to protect life and freedom by regulating wireless 5G and associated technologies, and to establish a moratorium until such technologies are proven safe to health, the environment, privacy and security.
To achieve our mission, we will promote our policies. Our objective is to increase membership to over 56,000 to become the largest membership based political party in Australia. This will encourage the major political parties to adopt our policies. Please join us to make our homes, our community and our planet a much safer place to live. The No5G Party will recruit, nominate and endorse candidates for elected public office in Federal, State and Territory parliaments, and Local Government bodies in all Australian jurisdictions.
Please join us, become a member of the No5G Party and help us to protect our planet.
The No5G Party is a group of caring people who are educated about the dangers of wireless 5G and will call for a moratorium. We feel the best way to protect people and the environment is to make constructive changes to the law ensuring that wireless 5G and other potentially hazardous technologies are safe – a political party is the most effective way to do this.
Over 100,000 people in Australia have joined grassroot groups, held protests, written letters to the media, made and uploaded films, given lectures and presented to local councils yet still wireless 5G is being relentlessly rolled out with absolutely no safety testing and without the consent of the people.

Stop 5G Sydney Protest at Town Hall, 25th January 2020. Photo: Steve Galvin.
Our beautiful planet and the precious life upon it is under attack by man-made contaminants like never before. The telecommunication and wireless industry deploys a Class 2B possible carcinogen (as classified by the World Health Organisation) via Wi-Fi, mobile phone towers and supporting technologies across the whole planet. Further, the deployment of over 100,000 satellites into space will beam electromagnetic radiation via wireless 5G upon the entire global eco-system.
We stand for making changes to protect all life and the environment from harmful man-made non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and to protect our freedom from technocracy.
The No5G Party will be looking at making our planet safer. For more information see our Policies.