RadioFrequency Radiation and Sleep

Dr Nicole Bijlsma PhD, ND, BHScAc(HONS), Grad Dip OHS, Adv Dip Building Biology, IICRC Mould Remediation Technician.

Nicole is a researcher, bestselling author, founder of Australia’s Healthy Home (Building Biology) movement, and a leading authority in environmental health. She is the CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies (RTO.21740) which provides the only nationally accredited training in Electromagnetic Field Testing. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and is frequently sought after by the media for her expertise in electromagnetic fields, mould and toxic chemicals.

Nicole’s PhD study ‘Does radiofrequency radiation impact sleep? A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study’ was recently published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.

Key findings

* Participants exposed to the radiation from a baby monitor reported significantly reduced sleep quality compared to placebo exposure within 7 nights
* Almost 1/3 of participants scored above the threshold for risk of clinical insomnia during RF-EMF exposure
* Electroencephalogram (EEG) readings showed increased power density in higher frequency bands during Non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep

Nicole started the Building Biology industry in 1999 in Australia as a result of experiencing insomnia and 10 miscarriages shortly after moving into her home, which appeared to be brought on by sleeping adjacent to the meter panel. Over the past two decades, ACES graduates and Nicole have witnessed many people with sleep disturbances with elevated electromagnetic field exposure (especially in their bedrooms). Sleep is the hallmark of health, and critical to every system of the body. Nicole strongly encourages you to remove cell phones and Wi-Fi enabled devices from the bedroom as a precaution.

Click here to read the study Does radiofrequency radiation impact sleep? A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study

Some excellent videos from SaveBelgium

Radiation in our living environment 1/9
Episode 1: Natural Radiation vs Technical Radiation 2/9
Episode 2: Thermal Warming and Biological Damage 3/9
Episode 3: Exposure Limits who sets them? 4/9
Episode 4: History of exposure to radiation 5/9
Episode 5: Limit radiation during the night 6/9
Radiation in our living environment 7/9
Episode 7: Ten practical tips 8/9
Episode 8: Critical reflections on 5G 9/9


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